The Regulatory Reform Order puts the legal responsibility for the provision, regular testing and on-going maintenance of emergency lighting installations firmly with the senior Directors of the businesses occupying buildings.
Our emergency lighting technology complies with all British and European emergency lighting standards.
We can design, supply, install and maintain highly cost effective and environmentally friendly emergency lighting system that incorporates the latest in LED and battery technologies.
Our emergency lighting technology complies with all British and European emergency lighting standards, in particular BS5266 for the design, manufacture and installation of emergency lighting.
BS5266 & EN50172 set out the minimum requirements relating to in-service testing, maintenance and records. It is a requirement that all records are available for inspection identifying the following tests:
- The basic intention of an emergency lighting installation is when an emergency occurs to maintain safe illuminance of high risk tasks, allow people to move safely to the escape routes, provide guidance to the most effective exit by using safety signs that are visible at every stage of the escape route and to illuminate the route to ensure rapid egress avoiding obstacles.
- High risk tasks such as rotating machines, moving blades, hot surfaces, etc. must remain illuminated 10% of the normal light level until the risk can be made safe.
- Six Monthly/Annual Test
- The system should be inspected and tested by a competent person (usually an employee of the manufacturer or installer) in accordance with the current British Standard. The results to be recorded in the log book.